Google SEO Blogger Template Download (Premium) - TemplateHack


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Google SEO Blogger Template Download (Premium)

TemplateHack - Download Google SEO Premium Blogger Template. Hai,This time i will share the Latest Responsive Blog Template. It's called Google SEO Responsive Blogger Template. Why this SEO Friendly and Fast Loading template using name Google SEO? Let me be interesting and just be curious, ha ha.

At first glance, Google SEO responsive blog template is the same as New Johny Wuss or Simple Responsive SEO. Though not the same. Similar? Yes, it's really similiar.

SEO and Fast Loading of the Google SEO template can be said to be the same, or at least 11-12 with New Johny Wusss. You're welcome, bro! Moreover, the original template is indeed from Johny Wusss!

But, if examined in detail, there is a difference between this Google SEO Template and New Johny Wuss / Simple SEO, especially in the Menu Navigation and Featured Post.



1. Code to bring up the description (first paragraph) of the post when Share to Facebook
The Latest Responsive Blog Template named "Google SEO" is guaranteed by SEO and Google Friendly, let alone already using the H1-H2 Dynamic Tag Heading. So, just use it !!!
2. Code to hide live links in "spam" or "spammy" comments
3. Two columns below the post - for Adsense / Ads and Related Posts.
4. Post header "author" has been replaced with "blog title" (so that more SEO!)
5. Removing other unnecessary codes (so that Fast Fast!)


If you are already impatient and interested in Google SEO, please click the button below.

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