TemplateHack.com - Download Neo Mag
premium blogger template. Neo mag is fashion magazine blogger template. I
sure it is best to install on your magazine with fashion, beauty or lifestyle
topics. Your blog were look amazingly after install this template.
May amazing features include on this
template, such as featured post to show off your wallpaper choice. Upload and
place your favorite wallpaper there which inform about your blog content. I
think it will be great to download this template and install on our fashion
magazine blogger theme.
Features :
About Me, Customizable, Drop Down Menu, Girly, Mobile Friendly, Photo Profile, Responsive, Search Box Button, SEO Friendly, Social Bookmark Ready, Social Share Button, Clean, Elegant, Unique, 1 Right Sidebar, White, 2 Columns, 3 Columns Footer.
Template For :
Business blogger template, Event blogger template, Beauty blogger template, Fashion blogger template, Lifestyle blogger template, OOTD blogger template, Personal blogger template, Food blogger template, Health blogger template, Internet blogger template, Sports blogger template, Tips and Trick blogger template, Wallpaper blogger template, Design blogger template, Art blogger template, Newspaper blogger template, Portal blogger template.
If you already impatient and interested
in Neo Mag, please click the button bellow