Oceanus Blogger Template Download (Premium) - TemplateHack


    Social Items

TemplateHack.com - Download Oceanus premium blogger template. Hai guys, today I will share one of the best customizable blogger template. Oceanus is responsive blogger template with design like wordpress, random post, slider, and I will share Oceanus blogger com templates premium for free.  I think this is the best wordpress look blogger theme. I use this template for my personal blog, Yukampus. And after I use this blogger template xml, my visitor blog automaticaly increase. Wow! So, lets try this seo friendly template.



  1. News
  2. Web 2.0
  3. Bookmark Ready
  4. Random Post
  5. Navigation Bar
  6. Tumbnail
  7. Fixed Width
  8. Wordpress Look
  9. Search Result JSON
  10. Magazine
  11. Slider
  12. Error Page
  13. Loading Fast
  14. Featured Section
  15. Header Banner
  16. Slideshow
  17. Top Menu
  18. Breadcrumb
  19. Adsense Ready
  20. Compatible with Mozilla, Safari, IE8+, Opera, Chrome, etc
  21. 2 Column
  22. 1 Right Sidebar
  23. 4 Column


If you already impatient and interested in Oceanus, please click the button bellow

Oceanus Blogger Template Download (Premium)

TemplateHack.com - Download Oceanus premium blogger template. Hai guys, today I will share one of the best customizable blogger template. Oceanus is responsive blogger template with design like wordpress, random post, slider, and I will share Oceanus blogger com templates premium for free.  I think this is the best wordpress look blogger theme. I use this template for my personal blog, Yukampus. And after I use this blogger template xml, my visitor blog automaticaly increase. Wow! So, lets try this seo friendly template.



  1. News
  2. Web 2.0
  3. Bookmark Ready
  4. Random Post
  5. Navigation Bar
  6. Tumbnail
  7. Fixed Width
  8. Wordpress Look
  9. Search Result JSON
  10. Magazine
  11. Slider
  12. Error Page
  13. Loading Fast
  14. Featured Section
  15. Header Banner
  16. Slideshow
  17. Top Menu
  18. Breadcrumb
  19. Adsense Ready
  20. Compatible with Mozilla, Safari, IE8+, Opera, Chrome, etc
  21. 2 Column
  22. 1 Right Sidebar
  23. 4 Column


If you already impatient and interested in Oceanus, please click the button bellow