Oploverz Blogger Template Download (Premium) - TemplateHack


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Oploverz Blogger Template Download (Premium)

TemplateHack.com - Download Oploverz premium blogger template. Hello guys, today I will share one of best clone template like original (premium), the template is Oploverz. Oploverz is a fansub website that have a grat and responsive design. I think if we have this template in our blog, our blog can look more profesional.

This template is second version (V.2) and have many fixed from bug. It would help you to post article without error. This template have many features like fast loading blogger template, responsive, SEO Friendly and many more.



  1. Responsive
  2. SEO Friendly
  3. Random Post horizontal
  4. Fast Loading
  5. Back to top Image
  6. Genre nav, etc.
  7. Ads 160x600px ready
  8. Ads 728x90px [Header] ready
  9. Comment disqus & Blogger


If you are already impatient and interested in Oploverz, please click the button bellow

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